It's just like another dream that i just woke up.Phew, finally back from CIP Camp at Bintan.
Was tiring but at the same time -
This 3 days 2 nights sounds long, but in a blink it's over.
I can't believe the one camp that i'm awaiting for is over already, how fast.
And i somehow miss the camp and i wish it's longer ;x
Cause the camp show how teamwork is form and there's always teamwork when there's team and people working together.
My instructors are Alisa and Johnathan.
Andand, i secretly find that Johnathan is cute!
Haha! {:
But my group is under Alisa , also not bad ^^
27Jan2010Reached school at 6.10.
Leave school and headed to the ferry terminal.
In the ferry seated together with Eunice and Yuefang.
Headed to Bintan, Indonasia.
In the ferry tons of people were feeling seasick.
But failure and I are strong.
We keep walking here and there helping sick people.
*feeling kind!
Reach there and took this mini , unaircon bus with 1 hour bus journey to this secondary school for our CIP work there.
Slept in the bus though it was uncomfortable.
But was super tired so no choice got to sleep.
And than MrPhua took lots of unglam photos of people sleeping :(
At the school the people there are really friendly and they are seriously cute. :D
CIP till 4 and went for a 20min bus ride to this resort in the middle of nowhere.
Meet everyone at the grass patch.
And obviously everyone sit on the grass and i didn't know why i'm so unlucky my there has millipedes.
Not only 1. There's like 3 - 4 and they are big and fat and move super super fast!
Scare me hell death.
So stand behind with Syhirah.
Slept in the hotel first and the following day is the domertry at the conference room.
Went to wash up and went to have dinner.
After that had Night trail.
Teamed with Syhirah, Jeremy, Junior, Amirul, Jiawei, Jiahwee and Laykun.
Only the group knew what happen :DBath, camwhore, sleep.
28Jan2010Had Sampan rowing.
Quite fun yet scary.
Scream for don't know what hell reason.
Than after that did team bonding games and played
Campfire preparation.
Swop to domertry and went to have dinner and had campfire.
They had firework too.
Super romantic seh (:
I find that our group did pretty well for the cheers.
Bath at the domertry toilet ran there and ended up going into the boys toilet):
Woke up had breakfast and went to the school to give some present and went shopping.
Than ferry terminal and back to Singapore.
Had meet the parent and i'm like totally tired.
Slept for 13 hours straight today, gosh.
January 30, 2010 3:52 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun

Hello, don't know when is the last time i posted.
-School's tiring! Study like !@#$ %^&*()_+
--Ace camp is coming .---Common test coming ! **Ah, like shitshagshinkyshingzy-,-!
I don't even think i can catch up with my school work and stuff.
Tutions almost everyday!!
I've start to treasure every time i rest.
Yesterday went to vivo after school with louise and bought this! :D
Super happy and high and i've already finish watching this !!
Super extraordinary high~

Mummy showed me this, how cute am i right? :P

Hello, this is KeeKee!
My brother's new pet!:D
Cute? He's superr cute!!
January 21, 2010 9:33 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
Class painting - 3C`10
Today class painting was fun!
Painting is fun eh^^
Can't believe it.
3C`10 was quit fun actually, kind of work together and fun!
Cannot post all the pictures here.):
Cause got some problem so can only upload till here.
The others are in facebook!
So, go look and comment alright?

地球是圆的, 我们会在遇见的。。。
January 14, 2010 8:49 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
今天哥哥拿了 O 成绩。 他有4个a1 , 2个a2 , 1个B4. 还好对吧?但哥说他还不满意!!神经病这么好还说不好。你可以算出他的成绩把吧。 我哭了。太感动吧。 我是个爱哭的人啦! 好了,他们都毕业了。恭喜。
January 11, 2010 9:13 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
Newly open blog
Hello, newly open a private chinese blog :D
January 10, 2010 8:20 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
School's stressing me.
School homework and stuff have been rather stressing in Secondary3.
Can't really like catch up since my tution haven't started, but soon!
Yes, CCA orentation has just ended today.
Hope there's more people joining band cause
band is cool! :D
Fun enjoying and stuff.
Now time are really flying to me.
It's too fast...
I'm scared that i'll fail.
I need to take some O level during sec4.
Need to buck up like hell shit!):
Anyone care to give me free tution?^^
School just start a week ago, it seems fast.Next monday the O result is out already.
Luck to those who are taking their results and my brother!!CANDIA(:
January 8, 2010 8:30 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
对了,开头是从Channelu想起的。 最近我真的真的比较忙。忙什么呢?学校开始了,当然是忙着学校的东西啊!!忙啊忙啊!中三啊中三,有点压力哦。功课,补习!!!要了我的命啊。好了,该去忙了,拜拜!
January 6, 2010 6:55 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
Last day of holiday D:

Last day of the holiday and i'm still in my holiday mood!
What am i thinking?
Get back to school girl scram.
You're already sec3 and you're still in your wonderland?
Can you please wake up?
No more playplay.
This is a big jump from sec2 to 3. wake up idiot.
Zzz, i think i'll be like a zombie like when i'm back to school luh.
Someone just, help me wake up.
{ E-dited @ 10pm }
I'm sure i'm going to drag myself out of bed tomorrow morning and making a big fuss.):
Going school alone without my brother.
He've graduate, i'm all alone.
Labels: Last day of holidays.
January 3, 2010 7:53 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
ETP was quite ok.
Screammmmmmmmming all the way.
(-.-)But it was fun though there's not much game :D
Short post for today ^^
Labels: Escape TP
January 2, 2010 10:39 AM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
happy new year
Welcome 2010 into my life.New blog New year New start.
Trying to start off well this year so start a new blog.
Moved from
Going on with my life though 2012 the world is going to end
.(LOL)Blog is still under construction so yea.(:
Happy new year^^
Labels: Happy New Year
January 1, 2010 5:32 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
It's just like another dream that i just woke up.Phew, finally back from CIP Camp at Bintan.
Was tiring but at the same time -
This 3 days 2 nights sounds long, but in a blink it's over.
I can't believe the one camp that i'm awaiting for is over already, how fast.
And i somehow miss the camp and i wish it's longer ;x
Cause the camp show how teamwork is form and there's always teamwork when there's team and people working together.
My instructors are Alisa and Johnathan.
Andand, i secretly find that Johnathan is cute!
Haha! {:
But my group is under Alisa , also not bad ^^
27Jan2010Reached school at 6.10.
Leave school and headed to the ferry terminal.
In the ferry seated together with Eunice and Yuefang.
Headed to Bintan, Indonasia.
In the ferry tons of people were feeling seasick.
But failure and I are strong.
We keep walking here and there helping sick people.
*feeling kind!
Reach there and took this mini , unaircon bus with 1 hour bus journey to this secondary school for our CIP work there.
Slept in the bus though it was uncomfortable.
But was super tired so no choice got to sleep.
And than MrPhua took lots of unglam photos of people sleeping :(
At the school the people there are really friendly and they are seriously cute. :D
CIP till 4 and went for a 20min bus ride to this resort in the middle of nowhere.
Meet everyone at the grass patch.
And obviously everyone sit on the grass and i didn't know why i'm so unlucky my there has millipedes.
Not only 1. There's like 3 - 4 and they are big and fat and move super super fast!
Scare me hell death.
So stand behind with Syhirah.
Slept in the hotel first and the following day is the domertry at the conference room.
Went to wash up and went to have dinner.
After that had Night trail.
Teamed with Syhirah, Jeremy, Junior, Amirul, Jiawei, Jiahwee and Laykun.
Only the group knew what happen :DBath, camwhore, sleep.
28Jan2010Had Sampan rowing.
Quite fun yet scary.
Scream for don't know what hell reason.
Than after that did team bonding games and played
Campfire preparation.
Swop to domertry and went to have dinner and had campfire.
They had firework too.
Super romantic seh (:
I find that our group did pretty well for the cheers.
Bath at the domertry toilet ran there and ended up going into the boys toilet):
Woke up had breakfast and went to the school to give some present and went shopping.
Than ferry terminal and back to Singapore.
Had meet the parent and i'm like totally tired.
Slept for 13 hours straight today, gosh.
January 30, 2010 3:52 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun

Hello, don't know when is the last time i posted.
-School's tiring! Study like !@#$ %^&*()_+
--Ace camp is coming .---Common test coming ! **Ah, like shitshagshinkyshingzy-,-!
I don't even think i can catch up with my school work and stuff.
Tutions almost everyday!!
I've start to treasure every time i rest.
Yesterday went to vivo after school with louise and bought this! :D
Super happy and high and i've already finish watching this !!
Super extraordinary high~

Mummy showed me this, how cute am i right? :P

Hello, this is KeeKee!
My brother's new pet!:D
Cute? He's superr cute!!
January 21, 2010 9:33 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
Class painting - 3C`10
Today class painting was fun!
Painting is fun eh^^
Can't believe it.
3C`10 was quit fun actually, kind of work together and fun!
Cannot post all the pictures here.):
Cause got some problem so can only upload till here.
The others are in facebook!
So, go look and comment alright?

地球是圆的, 我们会在遇见的。。。
January 14, 2010 8:49 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
今天哥哥拿了 O 成绩。 他有4个a1 , 2个a2 , 1个B4. 还好对吧?但哥说他还不满意!!神经病这么好还说不好。你可以算出他的成绩把吧。 我哭了。太感动吧。 我是个爱哭的人啦! 好了,他们都毕业了。恭喜。
January 11, 2010 9:13 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
Newly open blog
Hello, newly open a private chinese blog :D
January 10, 2010 8:20 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
School's stressing me.
School homework and stuff have been rather stressing in Secondary3.
Can't really like catch up since my tution haven't started, but soon!
Yes, CCA orentation has just ended today.
Hope there's more people joining band cause
band is cool! :D
Fun enjoying and stuff.
Now time are really flying to me.
It's too fast...
I'm scared that i'll fail.
I need to take some O level during sec4.
Need to buck up like hell shit!):
Anyone care to give me free tution?^^
School just start a week ago, it seems fast.Next monday the O result is out already.
Luck to those who are taking their results and my brother!!CANDIA(:
January 8, 2010 8:30 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
对了,开头是从Channelu想起的。 最近我真的真的比较忙。忙什么呢?学校开始了,当然是忙着学校的东西啊!!忙啊忙啊!中三啊中三,有点压力哦。功课,补习!!!要了我的命啊。好了,该去忙了,拜拜!
January 6, 2010 6:55 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
Last day of holiday D:

Last day of the holiday and i'm still in my holiday mood!
What am i thinking?
Get back to school girl scram.
You're already sec3 and you're still in your wonderland?
Can you please wake up?
No more playplay.
This is a big jump from sec2 to 3. wake up idiot.
Zzz, i think i'll be like a zombie like when i'm back to school luh.
Someone just, help me wake up.
{ E-dited @ 10pm }
I'm sure i'm going to drag myself out of bed tomorrow morning and making a big fuss.):
Going school alone without my brother.
He've graduate, i'm all alone.
Labels: Last day of holidays.
January 3, 2010 7:53 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
ETP was quite ok.
Screammmmmmmmming all the way.
(-.-)But it was fun though there's not much game :D
Short post for today ^^
Labels: Escape TP
January 2, 2010 10:39 AM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
happy new year
Welcome 2010 into my life.New blog New year New start.
Trying to start off well this year so start a new blog.
Moved from
Going on with my life though 2012 the world is going to end
.(LOL)Blog is still under construction so yea.(:
Happy new year^^
Labels: Happy New Year
January 1, 2010 5:32 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun