
Feel the sun and remember, as the summer never ends

New Year's eve

Time flies 2011 is coming to an end &, 2012 is indeed coming real fast.
Well, I guess 2011 was indeed a good one and I hope 2012 will be a better one; having good grades.
Well, and of course with some playing! :D
Guess much that the only resolution this year is to get good grades and get into a poly and course of my choice.
I wouldn't want to study what I don't think though.
Alright, gonna spend half of my new year's eve sleeping!
Such a pig~

December 31, 2011 12:47 AM  //  Out of the darkness and into the sun

A happy day indeed

Back from my holiday a few days back. Yea, Europe. :)
Had an awesome holiday, much much.
And got back my n lvl result today too.
Was quite satisfied with it, really.
Maybe except for my both languages :(
Till then, I got to work doubly hard for my languages.

December 19, 2011 5:51 PM  //  Out of the darkness and into the sun