Konichiwa ~
Watashi no Kawaii Candia desu . :D
22apr2010 , last day for Japanese class. :(
Really miss it cause it's really fun.3 lessons in total , and was running late for the first two lesson but today's lesson i need not have to run and so paisei go into the room while everyone is already watching the Anime.

Imma Japanese name (: COOL RIGHT ?

Everyone 's busy ~

Monkey & Failure (:

Eunice & AHEM! :D
After the lesson ended , went outside to do drawings :D more pictures will be posted on facebook.
After doodling it started to rain heavily so get stuck there :(
Stuck there till 6+ than bus-d home.
23apr2010 , went home around 1pm cause imma needa do ic (:
Went home bath and went to have a haircut (:
The lady knew me , *happy* cause she went to the Rhapsody and she recognise me cause of the opening :D
After haircut went to take photo , idiot must see eyebrown -.-
Whatever, than went to ICA to do IC ~
After that bought waffle to eat was hungry cause didn't eat lunch :(

Ohyea, my fringe is short :(

Haha , growing up !
紫玫瑰 ♥
April 24, 2010 12:34 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
Rain rain rain ...
Today was
suppose to be the
cross country @ Chinese Garden , but it
rain so went back to school. :(
Plan totally failed , how sad.
Reached Chinese Garden MRT around 7am , but it was already raining.
But we still got to go to the Chinese Garden shelter to seek for shelter , maybe because if we stay in the station we'll only give trouble to the station master there and a bad impression of our school.
Eunice & Huimin shared the umbrella while Jiaying & I walk under the rain . ;c
But Yufang came to out rescue ! :D Shared umbrella with her and Jiaying .
almost half of my body is wet luh , the rain is like damn heavy ! ;c
Went to the shelter to wait and at 8am they told us to go back school by 9am .
So MRT back to school.
The MRT took damn long to close lah , i think they want the students to get up the train.
Waste time , if not we can take our time and not run back to school.
Reached tiong and went to by chips to munch in class.
Eunice went to change her school than bus-ed to the nearest bus-stop from school.
From there than ran to school and Jiaying went to change her shoe & I was behind when i fell . :(
Assemble at the Arena while the principal give her message and went back to class to have normal lesson.
Physic so went to the lab to do
Than was
recess , &
English (teacher didn't came) ,&
POA (manage to persuade Miss Saw to give us free period!)
Than school end &
MRT-ed to Clementi to look for Louise.
Went to West Coast Plaza to lunch @
Bus-ed to Shelley's house & PARTYY ~
Make a mess out of her house ;x
Had dinner near her house & homed (:

Shelley's masak masak on her bed . HAHA !

While waiting for food to come ! Hungry ;c

Shyshy yuefang.
Ps, pictures are so disorder ;x
April 16, 2010 8:33 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
I know he's popular , but i didn't know he's so popualar.
JAY CHOU 's concert , SOLD OUT WITHIN 2 HOURS , wtfuck.

It only open today at 9am , my cousin went to call . &, couldn't get in.
Within 2 hours , all sold out , & still didn't get the ticket.
Piss , but another good news is he's opening another slot ! :D
I've got chancee !
Pray that i can get ticket from there.
April 14, 2010 4:46 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
What a fun day indeed , though heartpain .
Woke up around 8+ and i have this
weird weird dream which i think it's totally unbelievable ! I was actually singing together with LeeHom on stagee !! &, another is a secret.
Woke up so earlyyy cause i'm going to have tution at 9.30 but change to 10 cause teacher couldn't make it but if i have tution at 10 i'll have no time for later outing with sohyun , so
tution was cancelled . :D
Went back to sleep , and was woken up by my mum cause i'm already late ! Once again i got this
weird weird weird dream , what a weird day !
Woke up at 11.30 and went to bath
( i was actually suppose to meet sohyun at noon ! )Ask dad to send since i'm like totally late ! >:
Went to 313 & Isetan to shop. :D
Bought ;
2 pairs of shoe , 2 tops from
new look {damn ex, should go with mummy next time , grin*}2 tops from
Forever211 top from
feel the satisfaction !!CANDIA(:
can't wait for another shopping , & sohyun say after her A levels she's going back Korea , i'm sad ; i've lost my shopping partners . :(
April 11, 2010 7:39 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
It's time for me to say goodbye already , to you .
Overdue-d photos
@Universal Studio Singapore , 21 March 2010 (more pictures @ facebook )
Down to city with Louise & Shelley .
Went to collect my long lost baby 97 at Wheelock , finally.
Baby 97 is like totally new <3
[ I swear i'll try to take care of baby 97 & NOT send it to Wheelock again . :) ]
After that Louise went to collect her shirt from FOX & ate at this weird name restaurant.
We didn't know what to eat so we went to 'mi-ni-mai-ni' all the food stalls there & ended up eating that.
MRt-ed to somerset since i'm just too lazy to walk &, this ride i make a fool out of myself , damn -.-
I shalln't go alone and act as a shero.
Walked to cineleisure and catch a movie.
The show was nice , though i somehow forget what's the title , but it's nice :D
After show , went home. (:
Yay , going out with sohyun the noisy mosquito tomorrow^^
Can't wait , :D
April 10, 2010 10:58 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
Funday ? Was it .. fun ?
Yesterday was a hectic day for me , thought i almost died !
Well , yesterday was the
Well , kinda screw-ed up everything due to some reason & there's no pictures taken .
Whatever , what's done cannot be undone , awaiting for next year Fun day & hope they won't plan till so screwed .
&, there's a typo mistake in th last clue , damn -.-
As people know my group is the ' be healthy ' group , with 1 orange & apple / group .
Hah , the screw-ed part is if one group come they got to wait damn long for the other group & feeling so bad cause they gonna wait .
April 7, 2010 6:31 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
You use-d to be my everything , but now you are my nothing .

-Edited@ 10.13pm
Looking back at the past and found out that this is the 30th month i ever start blogging .
First time blogging was 2007 october .
Time past , very fast .
It was on that day that Jieying came to my house and we started on this blog .
From the first blog to this current blog .
2years6months of blogging , from an immature blogger to an average blogger .
Remembering the time i'll go online and search for nice blogskins & ask Jieying to change , since i'm such a sucker at blogskins cause i only know minor changes and stuffs.
It was a afternoon since i start blogging & i continue till now .
Thought i know that not alot of people read my blog , i still continue to post because i want to know and post down what happen on that day as everyone knows that i do have STM , so i need to post down every detail i've done.
You might think that i've write too much & it's unneccessary but it's for me to remember not for you .
Maybe for my character , you might think that a diary is more suitable for me.
Ohwell , i like blogging and i'll continue (:
Msn-ing , Facebook-ing & Blog-ging are my hobbies .
;daddy said we're maybe moving house , was half-hearted though , cause i've got xx here .
April 4, 2010 12:54 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
Why can't every friday be a good friday ?
This good friday is a tiring day , out till 10+pm .
Bus-ed 65 to vivo w brother .
Bought 6 movie tickets and Louise&Shelley went for a movie while Terry , Leonard & me went strolling around in vivo .
Ate and went to watch Ju-on : Black ghost & White ghost .
Scream-ed in the movie and kept hiding myself with jacket .
Scary ttm uh , don't ever watch that anymore.
Finish movie at 3+ and wanted to bus-ed to tiong but the bus was so long so took a train to BoonLay .
Walked to Jurong Safra ad found out there's no Kdinner there .
So MRT-ed to Clementi for Kdinner.
Kbox till 10+ and home-d :D
Today , a total disaster .
People , chill alright?
April 3, 2010 9:52 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
I am sad , totally .Disappointed , extremely.saddedtothemax .What else can i do?-nothing.!CANDIA(:
April 1, 2010 10:20 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
Konichiwa ~
Watashi no Kawaii Candia desu . :D
22apr2010 , last day for Japanese class. :(
Really miss it cause it's really fun.3 lessons in total , and was running late for the first two lesson but today's lesson i need not have to run and so paisei go into the room while everyone is already watching the Anime.

Imma Japanese name (: COOL RIGHT ?

Everyone 's busy ~

Monkey & Failure (:

Eunice & AHEM! :D
After the lesson ended , went outside to do drawings :D more pictures will be posted on facebook.
After doodling it started to rain heavily so get stuck there :(
Stuck there till 6+ than bus-d home.
23apr2010 , went home around 1pm cause imma needa do ic (:
Went home bath and went to have a haircut (:
The lady knew me , *happy* cause she went to the Rhapsody and she recognise me cause of the opening :D
After haircut went to take photo , idiot must see eyebrown -.-
Whatever, than went to ICA to do IC ~
After that bought waffle to eat was hungry cause didn't eat lunch :(

Ohyea, my fringe is short :(

Haha , growing up !
紫玫瑰 ♥
April 24, 2010 12:34 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
Rain rain rain ...
Today was
suppose to be the
cross country @ Chinese Garden , but it
rain so went back to school. :(
Plan totally failed , how sad.
Reached Chinese Garden MRT around 7am , but it was already raining.
But we still got to go to the Chinese Garden shelter to seek for shelter , maybe because if we stay in the station we'll only give trouble to the station master there and a bad impression of our school.
Eunice & Huimin shared the umbrella while Jiaying & I walk under the rain . ;c
But Yufang came to out rescue ! :D Shared umbrella with her and Jiaying .
almost half of my body is wet luh , the rain is like damn heavy ! ;c
Went to the shelter to wait and at 8am they told us to go back school by 9am .
So MRT back to school.
The MRT took damn long to close lah , i think they want the students to get up the train.
Waste time , if not we can take our time and not run back to school.
Reached tiong and went to by chips to munch in class.
Eunice went to change her school than bus-ed to the nearest bus-stop from school.
From there than ran to school and Jiaying went to change her shoe & I was behind when i fell . :(
Assemble at the Arena while the principal give her message and went back to class to have normal lesson.
Physic so went to the lab to do
Than was
recess , &
English (teacher didn't came) ,&
POA (manage to persuade Miss Saw to give us free period!)
Than school end &
MRT-ed to Clementi to look for Louise.
Went to West Coast Plaza to lunch @
Bus-ed to Shelley's house & PARTYY ~
Make a mess out of her house ;x
Had dinner near her house & homed (:

Shelley's masak masak on her bed . HAHA !

While waiting for food to come ! Hungry ;c

Shyshy yuefang.
Ps, pictures are so disorder ;x
April 16, 2010 8:33 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
I know he's popular , but i didn't know he's so popualar.
JAY CHOU 's concert , SOLD OUT WITHIN 2 HOURS , wtfuck.

It only open today at 9am , my cousin went to call . &, couldn't get in.
Within 2 hours , all sold out , & still didn't get the ticket.
Piss , but another good news is he's opening another slot ! :D
I've got chancee !
Pray that i can get ticket from there.
April 14, 2010 4:46 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
What a fun day indeed , though heartpain .
Woke up around 8+ and i have this
weird weird dream which i think it's totally unbelievable ! I was actually singing together with LeeHom on stagee !! &, another is a secret.
Woke up so earlyyy cause i'm going to have tution at 9.30 but change to 10 cause teacher couldn't make it but if i have tution at 10 i'll have no time for later outing with sohyun , so
tution was cancelled . :D
Went back to sleep , and was woken up by my mum cause i'm already late ! Once again i got this
weird weird weird dream , what a weird day !
Woke up at 11.30 and went to bath
( i was actually suppose to meet sohyun at noon ! )Ask dad to send since i'm like totally late ! >:
Went to 313 & Isetan to shop. :D
Bought ;
2 pairs of shoe , 2 tops from
new look {damn ex, should go with mummy next time , grin*}2 tops from
Forever211 top from
feel the satisfaction !!CANDIA(:
can't wait for another shopping , & sohyun say after her A levels she's going back Korea , i'm sad ; i've lost my shopping partners . :(April 11, 2010 7:39 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
It's time for me to say goodbye already , to you .
Overdue-d photos
@Universal Studio Singapore , 21 March 2010 (more pictures @ facebook )
Down to city with Louise & Shelley .
Went to collect my long lost baby 97 at Wheelock , finally.
Baby 97 is like totally new <3
[ I swear i'll try to take care of baby 97 & NOT send it to Wheelock again . :) ]
After that Louise went to collect her shirt from FOX & ate at this weird name restaurant.
We didn't know what to eat so we went to 'mi-ni-mai-ni' all the food stalls there & ended up eating that.
MRt-ed to somerset since i'm just too lazy to walk &, this ride i make a fool out of myself , damn -.-
I shalln't go alone and act as a shero.
Walked to cineleisure and catch a movie.
The show was nice , though i somehow forget what's the title , but it's nice :D
After show , went home. (:
Yay , going out with sohyun the noisy mosquito tomorrow^^
Can't wait , :D
April 10, 2010 10:58 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
Funday ? Was it .. fun ?
Yesterday was a hectic day for me , thought i almost died !
Well , yesterday was the
Well , kinda screw-ed up everything due to some reason & there's no pictures taken .
Whatever , what's done cannot be undone , awaiting for next year Fun day & hope they won't plan till so screwed .
&, there's a typo mistake in th last clue , damn -.-
As people know my group is the ' be healthy ' group , with 1 orange & apple / group .
Hah , the screw-ed part is if one group come they got to wait damn long for the other group & feeling so bad cause they gonna wait .
April 7, 2010 6:31 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
You use-d to be my everything , but now you are my nothing .

-Edited@ 10.13pm
Looking back at the past and found out that this is the 30th month i ever start blogging .
First time blogging was 2007 october .
Time past , very fast .
It was on that day that Jieying came to my house and we started on this blog .
From the first blog to this current blog .
2years6months of blogging , from an immature blogger to an average blogger .
Remembering the time i'll go online and search for nice blogskins & ask Jieying to change , since i'm such a sucker at blogskins cause i only know minor changes and stuffs.
It was a afternoon since i start blogging & i continue till now .
Thought i know that not alot of people read my blog , i still continue to post because i want to know and post down what happen on that day as everyone knows that i do have STM , so i need to post down every detail i've done.
You might think that i've write too much & it's unneccessary but it's for me to remember not for you .
Maybe for my character , you might think that a diary is more suitable for me.
Ohwell , i like blogging and i'll continue (:
Msn-ing , Facebook-ing & Blog-ging are my hobbies .
;daddy said we're maybe moving house , was half-hearted though , cause i've got xx here .
April 4, 2010 12:54 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
Why can't every friday be a good friday ?
This good friday is a tiring day , out till 10+pm .
Bus-ed 65 to vivo w brother .
Bought 6 movie tickets and Louise&Shelley went for a movie while Terry , Leonard & me went strolling around in vivo .
Ate and went to watch Ju-on : Black ghost & White ghost .
Scream-ed in the movie and kept hiding myself with jacket .
Scary ttm uh , don't ever watch that anymore.
Finish movie at 3+ and wanted to bus-ed to tiong but the bus was so long so took a train to BoonLay .
Walked to Jurong Safra ad found out there's no Kdinner there .
So MRT-ed to Clementi for Kdinner.
Kbox till 10+ and home-d :D
Today , a total disaster .
People , chill alright?
April 3, 2010 9:52 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
I am sad , totally .Disappointed , extremely.saddedtothemax .What else can i do?-nothing.!CANDIA(:
April 1, 2010 10:20 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun