Feel the sun and remember, as the summer never ends
LEEMINHO MEET & GREET SESSION ! ♥omg , his kiss mark there , saw ?
Today was great ! :D Met Dian, Fionne & Pearlyn close to 11 and take away kfc w failure.
Train to Marina Bay and cab into Marina bays sand .
Reached there around 12 and sitted and ate there while waiting. :/
&, we're going into a ballroom! :D It's the first time i'm going in , kinda excited . But seeing him will be more excited ! :D
Went in &, they gave out free poster ! ♥ max.
Waited till around 2plus till he came out.
Was quite okay , not so high. But quite happy :)
There's 10 lucky draw winner went up to play game w him and won shirt of him *jealousx1
Another 3 was phone calling them and talk to them on the phone *jealousx2
&, the phone calling one of the ask him what his ideal girlf and he said " like you ! " *jealousx3
5 contest winners get to have a interview w him *jealousx4
Some contest winnner gets to have his autograph & phototaking w him *jealousx5
Why can't i be the lucky one?
Isit because i didn't do enough good deed? :(
Ohwell, it's over.
After all , i got this experience ( I got to think of the positive right ? )
After the event went aroud to camwhore till my cam died , so most of the other pictures are w the rest.
Cab till City Hall w Failure while Fionne & Pearlyn went Bugis.
Kinda lost at Marina Square and found Sheralynn and they send me to City Hal MRT.
Omg luh , it was hell far ! :(
MRT to harbourfront to look for family for dinner at Kim Gary :D &, homed :D
Heh, after so long i finally decided to upload about Jay's concert.
Well well well , should i say about the full day? Cause my whole is almost at the Stadium :x
-Morning rise and shine about 11.
Heard my brother is going to Mac eat before his tution so i woke up and went w them.
Had Mac at Kallang and send him for his tution.
Daddy wanted to go 四马路 to pray so went w him.
Than went Rochor Road to buy Chicken rice for aunty & mummy .
Went to Stadium to look for them.
What are they doing there so early ? -1pm.
They actually went there to queue at 7am to buy Jay Chou merchandise ! How mad can they be? Worst than me ! Actually they went to buy the crystal piano that cost 85bucks!
Took over them while they went to eat.
They left 30pieces and they were exactly the 15person.
So , they can get at least 2 of it.
But , sadly only my aunty got and my mum was damn disappointed.
Luckily my dad saw one of the crew took out one of the piano to exchange for the spoilt one so my dad went to complain and we got another piano ! (Y)
Went to pick my brother and home around 5.
Bath and change for Jay chou concert ! ♥
Met Kevin , Amanda , Terry & Gary at the Singapore IndoorStadium.
And we were like damndamndamndamn near.
& i was damndamndamndamn high!
High till indescribable .
Scream my ass off .
Encore around like 3 times ? \m/
&, Kevin drove of home .
Home-d at midnight.
Okay , it's about it.
Hehe, high towards everything that is done.
Happiness is the word that i'll decribe myself (:
July 31, 2010 10:49 PM // Out of the darkness and into the sun
Performance of ........
Aichi Meiden High School Symphonic Band @ Singapore Conference Hall (23rd July 2010) ROCKSSSSSSSSS (Y)
************************************ Band ended around 6 rushed home and get everything ready and met Monkey & Failure at tiong. Was already in the station and i randomly asked if they've brought their tickets along , dian was like "SHIT ! OMG! I didn't" <&, she was jumping up and down> so she rushed home to take. So , monkey and i went off to Tg Pagah MRT & Eunice's dad pick us from there. Reached there and saw familiar faces of the instructors. Went in and saw the rest of them was right ontop so went up , soon dian came ^^ WOOOOOOO , they started performing ! ROCK ON MAN!! They're waywaywaywaywayx100000 better (: The guy playing the mallet - my jaw drop. It's like there's damn lots of running notes and he actually still can play it , if i were him i would have just given up. He rocks okay ? He can play the mallets & drums (L) , not forgetting the last part - dance >.< How cuteeeeeee ?? Had intermission and failure and i went infront to sit . (: They played for a few more songs and people kept shouting 'ENCORE' and i think for three times. So sweet of them right ? :D &, the emcee was damn cute he keep on saying it was the lastlast song already but in the end , still they played ^^ --In any case , it rocks ! :D
!CANDIA(: July 24, 2010 12:01 AM // Out of the darkness and into the sun
It's an important day .
-Sunday .
Decided to eat steamboat w Jiaying ! :D
So went to vivo & eat w her.
We're totally playing there.
Ate till 3+ and went around looking at people (or stalking)
Walked for like damndamn long, legs are hurting ):
Left her around 7 andd went to look for family for dinner @ Soup Restaurant w aunty & grandparents. :D
Quite nice , but there's alot of people ): Went to Nichii to buy a top , daddy pay (:
&, home-d for cake ! :D
Gifts from aunty :D This cake rocks ! , esp. the wording !
Went to catch despicable me w Louise & Shelley
&, catch up w they guys after movie for dinner at Pizza Hut ! :D
Hehe, they wore little miss birthday cause of me . :D
From Louise & Shelley :D From Terry & Gary. Surprise cake from them . *shy. Minnie mouse from brother . (:
Ending w loves, !CANDIA(:
July 21, 2010 6:08 PM // Out of the darkness and into the sun
Was suppose to post this on Friday , aboutFIR It's my life concert 2010 .
-FIR & Stef sun .
On thur Louise said she had a pair of FIR concert ticket , since was free so went w mummy after band . :D Maybe it's time to Get High after the bad news. Seriously was high. Didn't really scream cause was kinda tired. But when the Encore part i scream ! :D They're really talented , 他们是实力派的团体. 如果没记错的话他们没有演偶像剧 他们是有唱歌的能力, 不是花瓶哦~
-Today Alot twistin and changes for today . In the end went out w Sohyun to Orchard around 3 to 8. Only manage to get a bag from Mango &, a top from New Look ):
-Tomorrow &, Yes, tomorrow i'm going SSS to see 2AM ! Ohyes, though they are not Taiwanese but heck care. Now Korean are the in thing. So gonna check it out how good are they.
TODAY FEATURING : 2AM - 죽어도 못 보내 (Even If I Die, I Can't Let You Go)
July 10, 2010 10:36 PM // Out of the darkness and into the sun
彭于晏 ♥
OMG , i'm damn extremly bloody high now.
Back from the Sheng Siong show , went there cause 彭于晏 was their special guest.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh *melt.
He's damn cute & hot lah !
Okay , going to write everything that happened cause i'm afraid i'll forget cause as you all know , i have STM :(
Ohwell ,
daddy brough Jiaying, Weiqi, Jiawei & I to mediacorp cause we're attending this variety show called Sheng Siong & their special guest was none other than 彭于晏 - this hot hot cute cute looking guy ♥
Reached there around 7.50pm and quickly went into the studio cause we're late.
Met my dad's friend cause she book a place for us !
&, it was the second row lah .
It was hell bloody near i swear .
She said that was the best she can get , but it's seriously damn fbloody near that i can imagine.
So waited for Eddie to come.
Before that was some games of the show to win prizes.
When Eddie came around 9.45 Jiaying , Jiawei & I screamed like there's no tomorrow.
Kept screaming :
1) Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
2) 彭于晏
3) 我爱你
4) 你好帅!
While he sang we kept on screaming and screaming and screaming lah.
After he sang finish he went to talk to the host and he was about 3m away from us only.
Once again we scream ! :D
While he's talking we also scream.
Wah , totally high man.
Before he went he kept waving to 4 of us. &, not forgetting 彭于晏 flying kiss (and i flying kiss him back!)
I'm sure he's flying kiss to us , because at our side only the 4 of us are his fans.
The rest of the fans are at the other side of the studio :P
Hah, damn happy.
He's flying kiss almost make me melt ;D
After he left and we still kept shouting his name like don't know how many million times lah.
I was so high that my whole body was feeling so hot !
Left , and went to the washroom .
Cam-wored. -
Saw this 2 artist there (: They're so friendly!
July 5, 2010 12:14 AM // Out of the darkness and into the sun
It has been a great evening .
I had a great evening out ! :D Before that , hell shit tiring . Ps, this is a wordy post .
Woke up at 8 and lie around till 8.30 than get prepared school. Yes, there's band . On a weekend D: Band till 11.30 & went to telok blangah at 12 to have lunch. Rush home cause have tution at 12.30 but the tutor was late . :/ Finish tution around 3.15 and bath. Saw Fionne at the busstop so bus-ed 123 w her. Saw Songjing on the bus late on. Reach tiong met Pearlyn , Yuefang & Eunice. Bus-ed 16 - a v v v v v v v v v v v v long ride to ECP. This is th first time i took a bus till my butt pain like hell ! D: Reached there and was drizzling ): waited while pearlyn ate Mac . &, went to took pictures for this stupid geo project -.- Well , anyway . The sea was great , i'm missin' my 'hometown' man ! Took pictures there and went to Mac to wash up &, bus-ed 16 to orchard. Omg, took this hell long busride again >:( Walked around from somerset to ION &, MRT-ed home around 9+ Home-d at 10 (:
Ohyes, tomorrow i'm going to get down down down w Eddie 彭于晏 ! ♥ All pictures are w Eunice :O
!CANDIA(: July 3, 2010 10:36 PM // Out of the darkness and into the sun
5 consecutive days of band
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm , tuesday , wednesday , thursday , friday , saturday - band prac , due to the school 125th anniversary dinner that falls just so right nice on my birthday -.- Got to perform on that day also . Well , i guess it's something new ? I haven even practice the school song &, i think i'm so screwed . ):
Today featuring : F.Cuz (포커즈) - NO ONE (노원)
!CANDIA(: July 2, 2010 8:40 PM // Out of the darkness and into the sun
LEEMINHO MEET & GREET SESSION ! ♥omg , his kiss mark there , saw ?
Today was great ! :D Met Dian, Fionne & Pearlyn close to 11 and take away kfc w failure.
Train to Marina Bay and cab into Marina bays sand .
Reached there around 12 and sitted and ate there while waiting. :/
&, we're going into a ballroom! :D It's the first time i'm going in , kinda excited . But seeing him will be more excited ! :D
Went in &, they gave out free poster ! ♥ max.
Waited till around 2plus till he came out.
Was quite okay , not so high. But quite happy :)
There's 10 lucky draw winner went up to play game w him and won shirt of him *jealousx1
Another 3 was phone calling them and talk to them on the phone *jealousx2
&, the phone calling one of the ask him what his ideal girlf and he said " like you ! " *jealousx3
5 contest winners get to have a interview w him *jealousx4
Some contest winnner gets to have his autograph & phototaking w him *jealousx5
Why can't i be the lucky one?
Isit because i didn't do enough good deed? :(
Ohwell, it's over.
After all , i got this experience ( I got to think of the positive right ? )
After the event went aroud to camwhore till my cam died , so most of the other pictures are w the rest.
Cab till City Hall w Failure while Fionne & Pearlyn went Bugis.
Kinda lost at Marina Square and found Sheralynn and they send me to City Hal MRT.
Omg luh , it was hell far ! :(
MRT to harbourfront to look for family for dinner at Kim Gary :D &, homed :D
Heh, after so long i finally decided to upload about Jay's concert.
Well well well , should i say about the full day? Cause my whole is almost at the Stadium :x
-Morning rise and shine about 11.
Heard my brother is going to Mac eat before his tution so i woke up and went w them.
Had Mac at Kallang and send him for his tution.
Daddy wanted to go 四马路 to pray so went w him.
Than went Rochor Road to buy Chicken rice for aunty & mummy .
Went to Stadium to look for them.
What are they doing there so early ? -1pm.
They actually went there to queue at 7am to buy Jay Chou merchandise ! How mad can they be? Worst than me ! Actually they went to buy the crystal piano that cost 85bucks!
Took over them while they went to eat.
They left 30pieces and they were exactly the 15person.
So , they can get at least 2 of it.
But , sadly only my aunty got and my mum was damn disappointed.
Luckily my dad saw one of the crew took out one of the piano to exchange for the spoilt one so my dad went to complain and we got another piano ! (Y)
Went to pick my brother and home around 5.
Bath and change for Jay chou concert ! ♥
Met Kevin , Amanda , Terry & Gary at the Singapore IndoorStadium.
And we were like damndamndamndamn near.
& i was damndamndamndamn high!
High till indescribable .
Scream my ass off .
Encore around like 3 times ? \m/
&, Kevin drove of home .
Home-d at midnight.
Okay , it's about it.
Hehe, high towards everything that is done.
Happiness is the word that i'll decribe myself (:
July 31, 2010 10:49 PM // Out of the darkness and into the sun
Performance of ........
Aichi Meiden High School Symphonic Band @ Singapore Conference Hall (23rd July 2010) ROCKSSSSSSSSS (Y)
************************************ Band ended around 6 rushed home and get everything ready and met Monkey & Failure at tiong. Was already in the station and i randomly asked if they've brought their tickets along , dian was like "SHIT ! OMG! I didn't" <&, she was jumping up and down> so she rushed home to take. So , monkey and i went off to Tg Pagah MRT & Eunice's dad pick us from there. Reached there and saw familiar faces of the instructors. Went in and saw the rest of them was right ontop so went up , soon dian came ^^ WOOOOOOO , they started performing ! ROCK ON MAN!! They're waywaywaywaywayx100000 better (: The guy playing the mallet - my jaw drop. It's like there's damn lots of running notes and he actually still can play it , if i were him i would have just given up. He rocks okay ? He can play the mallets & drums (L) , not forgetting the last part - dance >.< How cuteeeeeee ?? Had intermission and failure and i went infront to sit . (: They played for a few more songs and people kept shouting 'ENCORE' and i think for three times. So sweet of them right ? :D &, the emcee was damn cute he keep on saying it was the lastlast song already but in the end , still they played ^^ --In any case , it rocks ! :D
!CANDIA(: July 24, 2010 12:01 AM // Out of the darkness and into the sun
It's an important day .
-Sunday .
Decided to eat steamboat w Jiaying ! :D
So went to vivo & eat w her.
We're totally playing there.
Ate till 3+ and went around looking at people (or stalking)
Walked for like damndamn long, legs are hurting ):
Left her around 7 andd went to look for family for dinner @ Soup Restaurant w aunty & grandparents. :D
Quite nice , but there's alot of people ): Went to Nichii to buy a top , daddy pay (:
&, home-d for cake ! :D
Gifts from aunty :D This cake rocks ! , esp. the wording !
Went to catch despicable me w Louise & Shelley
&, catch up w they guys after movie for dinner at Pizza Hut ! :D
Hehe, they wore little miss birthday cause of me . :D
From Louise & Shelley :D From Terry & Gary. Surprise cake from them . *shy. Minnie mouse from brother . (:
Ending w loves, !CANDIA(:
July 21, 2010 6:08 PM // Out of the darkness and into the sun
Was suppose to post this on Friday , aboutFIR It's my life concert 2010 .
-FIR & Stef sun .
On thur Louise said she had a pair of FIR concert ticket , since was free so went w mummy after band . :D Maybe it's time to Get High after the bad news. Seriously was high. Didn't really scream cause was kinda tired. But when the Encore part i scream ! :D They're really talented , 他们是实力派的团体. 如果没记错的话他们没有演偶像剧 他们是有唱歌的能力, 不是花瓶哦~
-Today Alot twistin and changes for today . In the end went out w Sohyun to Orchard around 3 to 8. Only manage to get a bag from Mango &, a top from New Look ):
-Tomorrow &, Yes, tomorrow i'm going SSS to see 2AM ! Ohyes, though they are not Taiwanese but heck care. Now Korean are the in thing. So gonna check it out how good are they.
TODAY FEATURING : 2AM - 죽어도 못 보내 (Even If I Die, I Can't Let You Go)
July 10, 2010 10:36 PM // Out of the darkness and into the sun
彭于晏 ♥
OMG , i'm damn extremly bloody high now.
Back from the Sheng Siong show , went there cause 彭于晏 was their special guest.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh *melt.
He's damn cute & hot lah !
Okay , going to write everything that happened cause i'm afraid i'll forget cause as you all know , i have STM :(
Ohwell ,
daddy brough Jiaying, Weiqi, Jiawei & I to mediacorp cause we're attending this variety show called Sheng Siong & their special guest was none other than 彭于晏 - this hot hot cute cute looking guy ♥
Reached there around 7.50pm and quickly went into the studio cause we're late.
Met my dad's friend cause she book a place for us !
&, it was the second row lah .
It was hell bloody near i swear .
She said that was the best she can get , but it's seriously damn fbloody near that i can imagine.
So waited for Eddie to come.
Before that was some games of the show to win prizes.
When Eddie came around 9.45 Jiaying , Jiawei & I screamed like there's no tomorrow.
Kept screaming :
1) Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
2) 彭于晏
3) 我爱你
4) 你好帅!
While he sang we kept on screaming and screaming and screaming lah.
After he sang finish he went to talk to the host and he was about 3m away from us only.
Once again we scream ! :D
While he's talking we also scream.
Wah , totally high man.
Before he went he kept waving to 4 of us. &, not forgetting 彭于晏 flying kiss (and i flying kiss him back!)
I'm sure he's flying kiss to us , because at our side only the 4 of us are his fans.
The rest of the fans are at the other side of the studio :P
Hah, damn happy.
He's flying kiss almost make me melt ;D
After he left and we still kept shouting his name like don't know how many million times lah.
I was so high that my whole body was feeling so hot !
Left , and went to the washroom .
Cam-wored. -
Saw this 2 artist there (: They're so friendly!
July 5, 2010 12:14 AM // Out of the darkness and into the sun
It has been a great evening .
I had a great evening out ! :D Before that , hell shit tiring . Ps, this is a wordy post .
Woke up at 8 and lie around till 8.30 than get prepared school. Yes, there's band . On a weekend D: Band till 11.30 & went to telok blangah at 12 to have lunch. Rush home cause have tution at 12.30 but the tutor was late . :/ Finish tution around 3.15 and bath. Saw Fionne at the busstop so bus-ed 123 w her. Saw Songjing on the bus late on. Reach tiong met Pearlyn , Yuefang & Eunice. Bus-ed 16 - a v v v v v v v v v v v v long ride to ECP. This is th first time i took a bus till my butt pain like hell ! D: Reached there and was drizzling ): waited while pearlyn ate Mac . &, went to took pictures for this stupid geo project -.- Well , anyway . The sea was great , i'm missin' my 'hometown' man ! Took pictures there and went to Mac to wash up &, bus-ed 16 to orchard. Omg, took this hell long busride again >:( Walked around from somerset to ION &, MRT-ed home around 9+ Home-d at 10 (:
Ohyes, tomorrow i'm going to get down down down w Eddie 彭于晏 ! ♥ All pictures are w Eunice :O
!CANDIA(: July 3, 2010 10:36 PM // Out of the darkness and into the sun
5 consecutive days of band
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm , tuesday , wednesday , thursday , friday , saturday - band prac , due to the school 125th anniversary dinner that falls just so right nice on my birthday -.- Got to perform on that day also . Well , i guess it's something new ? I haven even practice the school song &, i think i'm so screwed . ):
Today featuring : F.Cuz (포커즈) - NO ONE (노원)
!CANDIA(: July 2, 2010 8:40 PM // Out of the darkness and into the sun
{ I won't forget all the wonderful dramas that I love }
♥ Taiwan dramas
[#01] 鬥牛。要不要 Bull Fightingfinish
[#02] 換換愛 Why Why Lovefinish
[#03] 惡魔在身邊 Devil Beside Youfinish
[#04] 公主小妹 Romantic Princessfinish
[#05] 轉角*遇到愛 Corner With Lovefinish
[#06] 愛殺17 Bump Off Loverfinish
[#07] 黑糖瑪奇朵 Brown Sugar Macchiatofinish
[#08] 微笑 Pasta Smiling Pastafinish
[#09] 翻滾吧!蛋炒飯 Rolling Love
[#10] 黑糖群俠傳 The Lengend of Brown Sugar Chivalriesfinish
[#11] 18 禁不禁 18 Censored Or Notfinish
[#12] 不良笑花 Miss No Goodfinish
[#13] 霹靂MIT Mysterious Incredible Terminatorfinish
[#14] 原來我不帥 So I'm Not Handsome?
[#15] 我的億萬麵包 Love or breadfinish
[#16] 終极一班 KO Onefinish
[#17] 終极一家 The X Familyfinish
[#18] 終極三國 K.O.3anguo finish
[#19] 愛就宅一起 To Get Her finish
[#20] 桃花小妹 Momo Love finish
[#21] 海派甜心 Play Boy and Sweetheart finish
[#22] 败犬女王 My Queen finish
[#23] 愛似百匯 Love Buffet finish
[#24] 花樣少年少女 Hanazakarino Kimitachie finish
[#25] 命中注定我愛你 Fated to Love You finish
[#26] 籃球火 Hot Shot finish
[#27] 紫玫瑰 Roseate Love finsh
[#28] 就想赖着你 Down With Love finish
[#29] 死神少女 Death Girl finish
[#30] 呼叫大明星 Calling For Love finish
[#31] 愛∞無限 Endless Love
[#32] 下一站, 幸福 Autumn's Concerto finish
[#33] 醉后决定爱上你 Love You finish
[#34] 美乐加油 Love keeps going finish
[#35] 阳光天使 Sunshine Angel
[#36] 拜金女王 Material Queen finish
[#37] 我可能不會愛你 In Time With You finish
[#38] 華麗的挑戰 Skip Beat! finish
[#39] 珍愛林北 Lin Bei finish
[#40] 絕對達令 Absolute Boyfriend finish
[#41] 愛上巧克力 TiAmo Chocolate
[#42] 給愛麗絲的奇蹟 Alice in wonder city finish
[#43] 剩女保鑣 Sweet Sweet Bodyguard finish
[#44] 愛情闖進門 When Love Walked In finish
[#45] 終極一班2 KO One II finish
[#46] 姐姐立正向前走 Drama Go Go Go finish
[#47] Hi! 上班女郎 Hi! Working Girl
[#48] 美人龍湯 Spring Love