Dedicate to my failure 16th :D
Failure , firstly i want to wish you a happy
total defence day birthday
We knew each other for about 9 years already right ? I can consider you as my childhood friend ;D
Secondly i would like you congratulate you that you'e able to watch NC16 movie ! (Y)
Heh, :D
I'm happy that i have you as my friend but i bet you're even happier to have me as your friend right ?
We've been to two honeymoon together(with weiqi & eunice extra) - Japan + Hongkong.
I guess , hongkong would be out last one going overseas together.
Next , photos <3333

Band !

AIRPORT ! (the people behind no sense of shame *tsk)

don't act like an auntie please!

Our horses :D

this picture is so damn long ago . :P

WATER ADS.! You know what ? This fail , no one buy the water cause of you ):



POOH , where isit ? i miss him/her

Lastly , this photo . :)
February 20, 2011 1:03 AM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
Back in Action
I have not blog for almost a month.
But who cares? I bet noone comes anyway.
but in any case, 1 month of school is as good as a year !
I kind of wonder how did i survive the past 15 years.
Soooo busy with studies, CCA , going out , etc.
I have so many things to say, but don't know where to start.
So, i'll begin with Anthony Neely!
He came to Singapore for his first album.
He's damn awesomely cute, handsome, attractive, sweet, etc.
It's like when i look into his eyes can faint almost immediately, when he smile (*OMG)
Yea, went for his autograph session at bugis on the 29th & this sheng song variety show on the 30th as well .
HE'S SO HOT ! (*my mummy says that as well)

Actually in school i've been crazy over him for like a thousand and billion times :/
Ahh , hot eh . :D
-Than 31th was my cousin's birthday but celebrated in advance on th 30th.
-and study study study .................. Hah, believe me? NOT ! :D
Of course i do still go out to shop ! >:D
&&, ending of here .
爱爱. 可以拿红包!
February 2, 2011 5:48 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
Dedicate to my failure 16th :D
Failure , firstly i want to wish you a happy
total defence day birthday
We knew each other for about 9 years already right ? I can consider you as my childhood friend ;D
Secondly i would like you congratulate you that you'e able to watch NC16 movie ! (Y)
Heh, :D
I'm happy that i have you as my friend but i bet you're even happier to have me as your friend right ?
We've been to two honeymoon together(with weiqi & eunice extra) - Japan + Hongkong.
I guess , hongkong would be out last one going overseas together.
Next , photos <3333

Band !

AIRPORT ! (the people behind no sense of shame *tsk)

don't act like an auntie please!

Our horses :D

this picture is so damn long ago . :P

WATER ADS.! You know what ? This fail , no one buy the water cause of you ):



POOH , where isit ? i miss him/her

Lastly , this photo . :)
February 20, 2011 1:03 AM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
Back in Action
I have not blog for almost a month.
But who cares? I bet noone comes anyway.
but in any case, 1 month of school is as good as a year !
I kind of wonder how did i survive the past 15 years.
Soooo busy with studies, CCA , going out , etc.
I have so many things to say, but don't know where to start.
So, i'll begin with Anthony Neely!
He came to Singapore for his first album.
He's damn awesomely cute, handsome, attractive, sweet, etc.
It's like when i look into his eyes can faint almost immediately, when he smile (*OMG)
Yea, went for his autograph session at bugis on the 29th & this sheng song variety show on the 30th as well .
HE'S SO HOT ! (*my mummy says that as well)

Actually in school i've been crazy over him for like a thousand and billion times :/
Ahh , hot eh . :D
-Than 31th was my cousin's birthday but celebrated in advance on th 30th.
-and study study study .................. Hah, believe me? NOT ! :D
Of course i do still go out to shop ! >:D
&&, ending of here .
爱爱. 可以拿红包!
February 2, 2011 5:48 PM //
Out of the darkness and into the sun
{ I won't forget the place I come from }
(L) 飞轮海 , 倪安东 , 黄鸿升(小鬼) , JJ林俊杰 , 罗志祥(小猪) , 周杰伦 , 吴建浩
{Arron炎亚论 is super
{ I won't forget all the wonderful dramas that I love }
♥ Taiwan dramas
[#01] 鬥牛。要不要 Bull Fighting finish
[#02] 換換愛 Why Why Love finish
[#03] 惡魔在身邊 Devil Beside You finish
[#04] 公主小妹 Romantic Princess finish
[#05] 轉角*遇到愛 Corner With Love finish
[#06] 愛殺17 Bump Off Lover finish
[#07] 黑糖瑪奇朵 Brown Sugar Macchiato finish
[#08] 微笑 Pasta Smiling Pasta finish
[#09] 翻滾吧!蛋炒飯 Rolling Love
[#10] 黑糖群俠傳 The Lengend of Brown Sugar Chivalries finish
[#11] 18 禁不禁 18 Censored Or Not finish
[#12] 不良笑花 Miss No Good finish
[#13] 霹靂MIT Mysterious Incredible Terminator finish
[#14] 原來我不帥 So I'm Not Handsome?
[#15] 我的億萬麵包 Love or bread finish
[#16] 終极一班 KO One finish
[#17] 終极一家 The X Family finish
[#18] 終極三國 K.O.3anguo finish
[#19] 愛就宅一起 To Get Her finish
[#20] 桃花小妹 Momo Love finish
[#21] 海派甜心 Play Boy and Sweetheart finish
[#22] 败犬女王 My Queen finish
[#23] 愛似百匯 Love Buffet finish
[#24] 花樣少年少女 Hanazakarino Kimitachie finish
[#25] 命中注定我愛你 Fated to Love You finish
[#26] 籃球火 Hot Shot finish
[#27] 紫玫瑰 Roseate Love finsh
[#28] 就想赖着你 Down With Love finish
[#29] 死神少女 Death Girl finish
[#30] 呼叫大明星 Calling For Love finish
[#31] 愛∞無限 Endless Love
[#32] 下一站, 幸福 Autumn's Concerto finish
[#33] 醉后决定爱上你 Love You finish
[#34] 美乐加油 Love keeps going finish
[#35] 阳光天使 Sunshine Angel
[#36] 拜金女王 Material Queen finish
[#37] 我可能不會愛你 In Time With You finish
[#38] 華麗的挑戰 Skip Beat! finish
[#39] 珍愛林北 Lin Bei finish
[#40] 絕對達令 Absolute Boyfriend finish
[#41] 愛上巧克力 TiAmo Chocolate
[#42] 給愛麗絲的奇蹟 Alice in wonder city finish
[#43] 剩女保鑣 Sweet Sweet Bodyguard finish
[#44] 愛情闖進門 When Love Walked In finish
[#45] 終極一班2 KO One II finish
[#46] 姐姐立正向前走 Drama Go Go Go finish
[#47] Hi! 上班女郎 Hi! Working Girl
[#48] 美人龍湯 Spring Love
{ Make a wish, take a chance }
Endless like the summer in life .
{ Feel the rush of the ocean }
{ I won't forget to thank you }
Layout: evme